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Rhode Island Age of Majority Law

Minors – Age of Majority – Rhode Island

(a) Notwithstanding any general or public law or provision of the common law to the contrary, all persons who have attained the age of eighteen (18) years shall be deemed to be persons of full legal age.

(b) These persons shall have all the duties and obligations, rights, and privileges imposed or granted by law upon those persons who have previously attained the age of twenty-one (21) years.

Title 15, Chap. 12, §15-12-1

Age of Majority
18; (§15-12-1)

Common law applies, Pardey v. American Ship Windlass Co. 34 A. 737 (1896)

Voidable except for necessaries, Jacobs v. United Elec. Rys. Co. 125 A. 286 (1924)

Ability to Sue
By next friend, representative, or guardian ad litem (R. Civ. Pro. 17(c))

Consent to Medical Treatment
If married or 16 years old may consent to any treatment (§23-4.6-1)

Inside Rhode Island Age of Majority Law