Minors – Age of Majority – Oregon
Except as provided in ORS 109.520, in this state any person shall be deemed to have arrived at majority at the age of 18 years, and thereafter shall:
(1) Have control of the person’s own actions and business; and
(2) Have all the rights and be subject to all the liabilities of a citizen of full age.
Title 11, Chap. 109, §109.510
Age of Majority
By marriage or court decree (109.520; 419B.552)
Valid for necessaries and education; any others voidable upon attaining majority (common law)
Ability to Sue
By conservator, guardian or guardian ad litem (R. Civ. Pro. 27(A))
Consent to Medical Treatment
15 or older may consent to any treatment, 14 or older may consent to mental health or substance abuse
treatment, any age may consent to venereal disease treatment (109.610 et seq.)